die gewichtsklassen im boxen

The weight classes in boxing

An overview of the weight classes in boxing. Overview of weight classes in professional and amateur boxing. Now in the PAFFEN SPORT Fight Mag.

Weight classes in professional boxing

In professional boxing, athletes are divided into different weight classes - after all, only boxers with similar physical abilities should compete against each other. FightMag by Paffen Sport briefly introduces you to the 16 recognised weight classes


Heavyweight: from 90.718 kilograms / from 200 pounds

Cruiser weight: up to 90.718 kg / 200 lbs

Semi heavyweight: up to 79.378 kg / 175 lbs

Super middleweight: up to 76,203 kg / 168 lbs

Middleweight: up to 72.574 kg / 160 lbs

Semi-middleweight: up to 69.853 kg / 154 lbs

Welterweight: up to 66.678 kg / 147 lbs

Semi-welterweight: up to 63.503 kg / 140 lbs

Lightweight: up to 61.235 kg / 135 lbs

Super featherweight: up to 58.967 kg / 130 lbs

featherweight: up to 57.153 kg / 126 lbs

Superbantamweight: up to 55.225 kg / 122 lbs

Super flyweight: up to 52,163 kg / 115 lbs

Flyweight: up to 50.802 kg / 112 lbs

Junior flyweight: up to 48.988 kg / 108 lbs

straw weight: up to 47.627 kg / 105 lbs

Weight classes in amateur boxing

Of course, there are also different weight classes for amateurs, but these differ from the professionals. Here is an overview of the AIBA Olympic classes


Super heavyweight: from 91 kilograms

Heavyweight: up to 91 kg

Semi heavyweight: up to 81 kg

Middleweight: up to 75 kg

Welterweight: up to 69 kg

Semi welterweight: up to 64 kg

Lightweight: up to 60 kg

Bantamweight: up to 56 kg

Flyweight: up to 52 kg

Semi-flyweight: from 46 to 49 kg